Indenture : deed of release of Mount Vernon lands from Roger and Mildred Gregory to Augustine Washington, 1726 May 17.


Indenture : deed of release of Mount Vernon lands from Roger and Mildred Gregory to Augustine Washington, 1726 May 17.

" ... in Consideration of the Sum of One Hundred & Eighty pounds Stirling Money of Great Britain ... All that certain Tract or Parcel of Land Situate Lying and Being in the Parish of Overwharton [Stafford] [now Fairfax] County ... Being by Estimation Two Thousand & Five hundred Acres a Moiettie or half of Five Hundred Acres formerly Lay'd out for Collo. Nicholas Spencer & Capt. Lawrence Washington ..." Signed by Mildred and Roger Gregory and witnessed by William Aylett Jr., John Washington, and Lawrence Butler. Endorsed on reverse by George Washington. Below the indenture in another hand is a memorandum of "The Corse of Spencer Land and Mine ..." with boundaries given.

1 item.

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